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Chapter 1210
EAA 1210 Chapter Hangar

Young Eagles Flights 

EAA Young Eagles

The purpose of the EAA 1210 Chapter Hangar is to have a home base to promote aircraft projects, run aviation education programs, and use for the Young Eagles program. Construction on the Chapter Hangar was begun in 2004, then a fantastic folding door was installed in 2007. Small projects have been done over the years and we hope to complete the interior workshop and chapter room over the next couple years, funds and weather allowing.

EAA Chapter 1210 is a not for profit organization dedicated to the promotion of general aviation in the community, and introducing young people to aviation. The construction of this hangar depends on the help of all members of EAA 1210, as well as community contributions, member contributions, and our fund raisers. Any and all contributions to our efforts are welcome. For more information on the Chapter Hangar project, contact , our Chapter President.

EAA Vintage Aircraft
EAA Hangar from the air
EAA Chapter Hangar
From the Air
EAA Hangar - small
Biddeford EAA Chapter Hangar
January 07
EAA Hangar front
EAA Chapter Hangar - Biddeford

Chapter Hangar Photos

2004 - Building the Foundation
The digging was begun with the help of some heavy machinery. A few extra shovels didn't hurt! The goal was to prepare the site for the pouring of the concrete for the foundation walls. Things went well, and the walls were poured. Some rough grading was done to even out the dirt inside the walls. This was done in the late fall, so time was of the essence before winter set in.

The digging begins!

The footings

Pouring the foundation


2005 - The Building Begins
After a long, cold, snowy winter, the club finally gets to pick up where they left off. It took several weekend days, a few weekday evenings, and lots of bodies. One by one, the walls for the hangar were constructed, laid out to be raised, and finally erected. Lots of bodies was again, and important factor. Once in place, there was plenty of small things to do in order to prepare the walls for roof trusses. Leveling the walls, again with lots of bodies, adding top plates, and securing them all in place. Also, can't forget the calculations to prep the door frames.

Measuring and cutting...

The walls are started

The Walls are Up!

Teams at work...

Members 'hammering' away...

View from the street
A Few Pics of the Structure...

September - The Trusses Go Up . . .
Trusses Slideshow
View the Trusses Slide Show

Chapter Hangar News / Events
  • May, 2014: Our Hangar Door is Photo of the Day
  • Schweiss, who worked with us to build our custom folding hangar door, and install it ourselves in 2007, has published an article on our hangar project in the Schweiss Photo of the Day site. Read the article at Schweiss Photo of the Day

    There is still plenty of work to do and lots of funds and material raising to do to complete the hangar. Hopefully, we'll begin building out the interior for the project workshop and chapter meeting room sometime this year.


  • November, 2008: Biddeford Citizens Speak
  • November 4th was a telling day for all those people that don't see the value in the Biddeford Municipal Airport. The citizens of Biddeford defeated a ballot item that would have approved funding to close the airport. Obviously, the people of the town saw spending millions of dollars to close an important resource as frivilous. Once again, the Biddeford population has seen the Biddeford Airport as important to the community and voted to retain it.

    Over the many years that the Biddeford Municipal Airport has existed, in its many forms, people have come to learn about aviation. How many people began careers in aviation here, or just experienced the thrill and passion of flying? Its hard to say. It is definitely in the thousands and possibly in the tens of thousands. It is the hope of all who frequent the airport that more of the community and surrounding area visit to learn more about aviation and how the airport benefits the general community. And for our young people, see what the future looks like in aviation. The EAA Young Eagles Program is designed to introduce young people to aviation with personal introductions to aviation and flying.


  • August, 2008: Biddeford Airport Open House a Grand Success !!
  • On August 30th, Cumberland and York Aviation along with EAA Chapter1210 and Friends of Biddeford Airport help an Airport Open House and Static Display Show. The weather was fantastic, if not a little hot. All the better for the crowds. A lot of static displays, lots of pilots and planes flying in, and a ton of people. The response was tremendous. The citizens of Biddeford that came to see what the airport was really about were impressed. Comments continued throughout the day of how impressed they were and how they couldn't imagine closing the airport.

    There was a lot of participation from aviation enthusiasts and businesses from the area. The Coast Guard was on the ground with their helicopter and the Biddeford Fire Department gave a grand demonstration of airport fire response. There were many participants that can't be listed here due to space. A super THANKS to all who participated, all who attended, and all who support the Biddeford Airport!!!


  • June, 2008: Biddeford Municipal Open House.
  • Cumberland and York Aviation along with EAA Chapter1210 and Friends of Biddeford Airport is sponsoring an Airport Open House and Static Display Show on Saturday August 30th. North American Top Gun will again be bringing their AT6 Texan WWII trainer aircraft to Biddeford, and we will have displays of local aviation related business as well as some of our Local and state agencies who use aviation in service of the public such as the Maine Warden Service, and the Maine Marine Patrol. There will be a variety of aviation demonstrations and displays, helicopter rides, biplane rides, and the National Guard will have its rock climbing wall for visitors. For More information on events or to become a sponsor of the event see the event website Biddeford Airport Openhouse


  • May, 2008: Better Weather finally returns.
  • Spring is rolling in we're finally watching the green return. Not a lot is currently happening with the hangar, as we continue to pay for the door and our last building efforts. Don't forget that we're not done yet and still need help with fund raising so we can complete the build out on the inside for our workshop and office. Contact Steve Welch if you have any resources for contributions of funds or materials.

    Don't forget our new Photo Gallery if you have any pictures to contribute from the construction or any other Chapter projects or events.


  • February, 2008: Photos!
    Christmas Chapter PhotoThe Chapter Christmas party in Wazoo's hangar was a lot of fun. After sipping the punch and eating a whole LOT of food, the gang headed for the Chapter Hangar for some official photos by a fellow who does a lot of that. Did we say it was a bit cold out?
  • The photo above is just one of the shots taken that day. To see more, visit the all new EAA Chapter 1210 Photo Gallery. This has been set up so members can register themselves and create their own photo albums online. Upload photos you've taken of the hangar construction, Young Eagles events, and your own projects and flying.

    The registration may take a few hours or a day to get approved before you can upload your photos. This is so we don't get spammed by automated 'bots' online or just plain nasty people trying to post nasty stuff! So, visit the EAA 1210 Gallery now.


  • October, 2007: A DOOR!
    Hangar door Completed!
    The door has finally been skinned and the rest of the aluminum installed on the face of the hangar. A LONG way from a couple years ago when chapter members first gathered for the work on the foundation. The front entrance door has also been finished, installed, and locks. We can now say that we have a secure hangar. Many thanks to those members who have been showing up on weekends to slowly make progress on the final steps to a finished door. I'd mention names, but probably leave someone out or get something wrong. Those that have participated know who they are... and those that have not do as well. Along the path there has been many members who have dug in to contribute.

    Of particular note, we should all thank Steve Welch for his leadership, tenacity, and industry connections! Thank you, Steve for leading EAA Chapter 1210 to this grand achievement!

    Now, let's not all celebrate yet! There is still much to be built before we can declare the Chapter home completed. As we continue to build contributions of materials and funds, we will begin building out the interior for our workshop and meeting room. So, keep looking for those contributions to our programs, whether it is funds or actual materials. Talk to Steve to find out what materials we'll need for the next stage.
  • September, 2007: Progress Continues!
    Door is hung on the Chapter Hangar
    Not only is the door installed now, but it works! Members have been working all Labor Day weekend to complete the fine points of the installation. In addition, planning for the installation of the skin and the entry door are also under way. By the next chapter meeting, most of the door installation may be complete and we'll have a secure hangar!

    Of course, there is still MUCH to do on the Hangar. Next is the build out of the back end of the hangar for the workshop and meeting area. We'll need more contributions of funds and materials before we can call the hangar done. So, if you're a member of EAA Chapter 1210, keep in mind how you might be able to contribute to fund raising and who you might know that would be generous enough to contribute materials.
  • August, 2007: The Door is UP! The door was installed during a work session on August 11th. There is still work to be done to complete the installation and securing of the door. In future work sessions, the motor will be connected so the door can be open and closed. Skin for the door is on order and will be installed shortly after it arrives.

    With this progress, we are that much closer to having a working door and a more secure hangar. Work crews have spent several weekends over the past few months preparing for the arrival of the door, preparing the hangar for hanging the door, and installing it. The electrical has been installed for the motors and lighting as well. Within a few short weeks we can expect to have the door installation completed.

    There is still MUCH to do on our Chapter Hangar. So, if you're a member of EAA Chapter 1210, be sure to watch your email and the web site for work session announcements. There is still skinning, painting, and other building projects to complete. In addition, we have only begun the work on our hangar.

    We've come a long way in the past three years since the foundation was poured. We still must raise funds to build out the interior of the hangar with our workshop and everything else in the plans. That takes assistance from ALL members to seek financial contributions and material contributions from the community. Don't forget that a large part of our mission is to educate the public on the importance of aviation and to introduce our youth to the heritage and opportunity of aviation.
  • June, 2007: The Door has arrived! The preparations for installation on the structure are complete and we're moving forward. Before we can install it, though, the electricity must be installed and run to the front of the hangar. Imagine! In a few short weeks, the long awaited hangar will have a fully functioning door.

    The next step, of course, is to gather funds and materials to build out the interior of the hangar. So, we need everybody's help in raising funds and contributions for the build out. Contact Steve with any contributions that you've obtained.
  • May, 2007: The Door has been ordered at Fun 'n Sun! Work parties have begun to prepare the hangar for the installation when it arrives. We're making headway again! Fund raising is now as important as ever, as we look at the build-out of the interior. The club rooms, workshop, facilities, and the future meetings when the club can be working with ongoing projects is now not that far away! So, we'll need contributions of building supplies and cash this year.

    Are you looking forward to our first Pancake Breakfast in our new hangar?! Sure! Why Not!
  • Feb, 2007: Fund raising is now important as we only have a few more pieces to accomplish before we can begin building the interior of the hangar. The workshop, meeting room, and loft awaits the installation of the door and completion of the siding. So, we need all members' help in raising the remaining few thousand dollars necessary to purchase the door for the hangar. Once the door is installed, we will be able to begin the build out inside. We have much of the materials for the interior build, so it just waits for the closing of the door!

    Please seek out contributions from your contacts. The sooner we can get the door on, and the build out done, the sooner we can grow our programs for aviation education and building projects.

  • Jan 1, 2007: Just a note about the state of the hangar as of the first of the new year. 2006 was a productive year. The majority of the siding and roofing was accomplished. The front is still open until we have all the funds for a door. BUT we did get the floor finished and there is an actual ramp into the hangar! So, aside from a door, it is looking like a real hangar. Various pieces of equipment, windows, doors, and other things are being collected for the buildout of the inside of the hangar that will eventually happen. It is a slow process, and before we realize it the pieces will all come together.

    We can still use contributions toward the door and the lumber we'll eventually need for the build out. It's looking great!

  • 2005
  • This comes from Vic Chewning... [Definition] Purlin(e): A piece of timber laid horizontally on the principal rafters of a roof to support the common rafters on which the roof covering is laid. ... Well, that's just some of what is left to do.

    Any chance to get a floor poured this fall will depend on getting the purlins finished and the metal on the roof and walls. Of course, a few more donations to the cause wouldn't hurt. ;)

    And, yeah, its already starting to get cold! Work sessions will continue on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Lots of purlins to install. The metal roofing (and siding?) has been delivered and awaits installation. So, join the party! We still need lots of help to get it looking like a hangar for the winter!

  • Still plenty to do on the Chaper Hangar before winter sets in. So, we must keep the volunteers coming. Next work sessions are October 1st and 2nd (Saturday & Sunday) from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Lots of strapping to install, reinforcement of the structure, then getting the metal up. Watch the EAA 1210 Chapter main page for updated details on scheduling and come join the work party!

  • Sept 24-25th: The trusses are UP! We're on a roll! Over this weekend there 15 to 20 workers assisting in erecting the trusses on the chapter hangar. Good turnout! Saturday completed the trusses, Sunday started the strapping. Still more strapping to do on the roof, but we're close! A Big Thank You to the crane equipment folks and the operator (credit to come once I have the details). Also for the loan of the scissor platforms. Watch the EAA1210 home page for scheduling updates, and your email inbox.

  • As of August 21st, the walls are up and everything is ready for the Chapter Hangar roof. The truss procurement is well underway and are expected to arrive within a couple weeks. Once they've arrived, a weekend day will be scheduled to put he trusses up. The date will depend on the arrival of the trusses, the availability of key people, and a free weekend with good weather. We'll need lots of help at that point, so watch the home page for the date announcement.

  • If you have pictures of the construction of the hangar that would compliment what is already on the Chapter Hangar page, please forward them to Shawn. High resolution is preferred and don't worry about the size. We'll figure out how to get them through. Just send them to PIC at

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